Social services

A humane society is what we aspire. The essential support at the right time for every citizen. We do this by connecting citizens, local authorities, and care providers.

Social services

Topicus & Social services

A humane society is what we aspire. The essential support at the right time for every citizen. We do this by connecting citizens, local authorities, and care providers.

A humane society is what we strive for. The required support at the right time for every citizen. We do this by connecting citizens, local authorities, and care providers. A humane society in which everyone can function well. That is what we want to achieve. Social involvement is the driving force behind our software solutions, solutions that contribute to the welfare of citizens. By connecting municipalities with local social care teams, healthcare providers and residents through our platform Gidso, the needs of people are addressed with the right care as quickly as possible. Doing so, we make a real impact on society and the people that make it up.

"Through cooperation and information exchange via our platform, citizens' questions are turned into the right care faster"

Dirk Verbeek
Director sector Social services