Fuel the Future: TopiConf 2023!

29 juni 2023

We look back on an amazing Topicus conference: TopiConf 2023: Fuel the Future! Our 13th edition! An event full of knowledge and inspiration for and by Topicus employees.

This edition, Consisted of four different themes that will shape the future:

 1. "From business case to product vision." We were inspired by speakers such as Martijn, who shared how they developed applications in record time to contribute to the Temporary Energy Emergency Fund. Martijn: "It  was really cool to be able to talk about the project that my colleagues and I worked on. Especially because, given the duration, it's a rather special project that can be interesting for others as well. This project does not fall within the domain in which I work on a daily basis. So, it's particularly useful to receive questions and feedback after the presentation that help us improve for the next time." And that was just the beginning! After the workshop of Martijn we went to see Martin who gave more insights in the software of smart management of ambulance care. These days it is very challenging for ambulance to arrive on time, since the number of ambulances is limited. Topicus and their collaboration partner Rescuetrack developed decision-supporting software to support the logistic process.

2. "From code line to architecture." We were taken to the future of computer technology with Bas presentation on the rise of RISC-V, a new adventure in computer architecture. Additionally, we learned how to create multi-architecture Docker images. Ted shared the history of Semantic HTML and how it contributes to a better developer experience.

"TopiConf 2023 was bigger, better and more knowledge was shared compared to previous editions. What else can I say? TopiConf 2023 was brilliant, fantastic and awesome."

Software Developer

3 . "From unit test to data breach." We refined our skills in asking the right questions to users, guided by UX researchers Janneke and Roos . Followed by Dennis' story about the evolution of testing, from the limited "hourglass"  to the robust "pyramid" model.

4. And last but not least, "from personal growth to organizational growth." Colleague Nicole inspired us with her own experiences as a caregiver and gave us three wise lessons.

Above all this, there was also time for body and mind. We took yoga classes, did a health check and ended the day with a smashing performance by our own Topicus band.

Wondering what TopiConf 2023 was like? Check out the aftermovie or the photos.